Post-op rehabilitation following a total or a reverse total shoulder replacement is super important! Common questions like should it still hurt, how long should I wear my sling and when can I get back to activity are queries OHL Physios hear – and yes we also have the answers for you too! Here are 4 key tips to smash your rehab goals:
Have you got a shoulder replacement surgery coming up? Get proactive and book your post-operative surgery appointment now (for 2weeks after your operation), and your OHL Physio will be ready and waiting to partner you through this optimal rehab journey. You can book via 9431 5955, or via our online booking platform on our website.
Calf strains commonly occur in sports involving high-speed running or increased volumes of running loads. Strains are generally graded from 1-3 and usually do well conservatively over 2-6 weeks of rehabilitation. A less common injury associated with calf strains is called Tennis leg. This is an injury to the connective tissue (aponeurosis) of the medial aspect of the leg. This blog will discuss the best management strategies to return to performance.
‘My MRI says I have a discoid meniscus?’ This blog goes into detail on the ins and out of discoid meniscus and how physiotherapy may help!
What is slipped upper femoral epiphysis (SUPE) and the signs and symptoms you can look out for in your children if they’re experiencing hip/groin pain.